Travel isn’t about numbers or data sets. It’s about people, cultures, connections and life-changing moments that can’t be quantified.
Natalie Kidd
Natalie Kidd
Natalie leads the development and implementation of Intrepid’s people, sustainability and social strategies and is also a director of the board of the GSTC (Global Sustainable Tourism Council). "I’m lucky enough to have been on many Intrepid trips and have loved them all for different reasons, but my favourite has to be the South East Asia Loop. It was my first Intrepid trip – well before I joined the team, and it showed me how travel with a company like Intrepid can create genuine connections with communities – this is an experience you can’t get from reading a book or from browsing online."
Our Reconciliation Action Plan update… and what it means for you
by Natalie Kiddby Natalie Kidd -
NewsResponsible Travel
How Intrepid has actually started to rebuild responsibly
by Natalie Kiddby Natalie KiddFor the past year “build back better” has become a rallying cry for tourism – but with borders opening up and vaccines rolling out around the world, it’s time to …