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Yes. Intrepid started in 1989 and have been profitable almost every year since 1991.
When Intrepid receives money from either you or your travel agent, the funds are deposited into a Client Trust Account. The money stays in this account until the day of departure of your trip. Why? So that in the unlikely event of Intrepid ever going broke, your money is still safe and you would get it back in full.
Intrepid's Client Trust Account is independently audited every year. Failure to meet financial criteria reflecting a travel agent's financial viability results in revocation of the agent's licence to trade. Intrepid is licensed under these arrangements.
If you are using a travel agent, it is your responsibility to ensure that the agent is financially sound. This is important as the agent may hold your money before sending it to us for your trip. Should that agency go broke before we have received your money, then it may be lost.
Different countries have different levels of legislation, licences, bonds, trust accounts and/or insurance schemes to protect you. These vary greatly from country to country and some countries have no such protection at all. Please research this carefully to make sure the money you are paying is secure. Where there are no protection systems in your country, at least look at how long the business has been trading, ask others about their reputation and seek independent advice on reputable travel agencies.
The Intrepid Foundation is the not-for-profit arm of Intrepid that empowers travellers to make a real impact in the communities they visit. Since 2002, the Intrepid Foundation has supported more than 160 communities around the world.
We currently have more than 40 partners in over 30 countries. These partners are making a difference across four key focus areas: protecting the environment, advocating for wildlife, addressing gender inequality and empowering communities.
To double your impact, Intrepid dollar matches all our travellers’ post-trip donations. Intrepid also takes care of all administration costs, so you can be assured that 100% of your donations go to our partners on the ground.
Whether helping to break the cycle of poverty and inequality for indigenous Maasai women in Kenya, supporting pioneering whale research in Antarctica or providing sustainable cooking courses to combat food waste in Brazil, we’re determined to make a positive change.
The best way to donate is on The Intrepid Foundation’s website. Your donation and credit card details are secure, and you will receive a receipt immediately.
If you are an Australian taxpayer, donations to The Intrepid Perpetual Fund are tax deductible.
The Intrepid Foundation is a Deductible Gift Recipient (Item 2) charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission. Donations may be tax deductible in Australia if the charity partner you’re donating to is a registered DGR1 charity.
The Intrepid Foundation has conducted ‘due diligence’ checks to ensure organisations are well run and trustworthy and do genuinely effective and important work with the money raised.
We currently have more than 40 beneficiary organisations in over 30 countries. Check them out on the Intrepid Foundation’s website.